Tuesday 9 December 2014

Nissan – Drive Safe, Be Safe

This post is a part of the campaign started by Nissan to promote road safety, giving road safety its due importance and highlighting the responsibilities of the motorists towards other motorists, pedestrians and everybody else on the road. Click here to know more.

Well when we are young, we are taught in school basics of road safety. Simple things like Red Signal indicates Stop, Green indicates Go and Yellow means Wait. But wait, do we follow any? The answer is NO. For us Red is Go when you don’t see a cop/ traffic police. Yellow means nothing to us, it’s just another Green indicating Go and Green means Go of course.
Why are simple things made so complicated is what I fail to understand. Not wearing a seat belt, wearing a helmet only when you see a cop, like really? Why don’t you care for your own life, I ask why? Seat belt and helmet are purely for the benefit of the driver. It has nothing got to do with anybody else’s safety but yours. Remember you have a family that loves you, friends that care for you; if not for yourself then at least for their sake Be Safe.
Then Drinking and Driving is the most talked about issue. Drinking is okay. Driving with a license is the right thing to do but driving when you are drunk is not acceptable. There are others on the road who care about their lives. There is your family that awaits you then why take this risk? Why Drive when your drunk? Take a Cab home, take a rick, ask for a drop, pool a car or call someone to pick you up. When there are so many options to choose from why you would want to choose one that can take your life away? Remember there are other motorists, pedestrians that you have responsibility towards. Well everyone is not a Salman Khan who can get away with a hit and run case.
There are so many accidents that happen because the person driving the car thinks its more important to attend that phone call. Well if it is then you must attend it. But stop that car of yours and then you may do as you please.
These are simple things, we all know about it I am sure. But where we fail is to follow them. It’s not difficult folks. Road safety just needs to be abided by like a religion then there will be no road accidents, no need to pay a bribe for breaking a signal, no fines for the anti- corruption kind. Follow traffic rules, wear a helmet, fasten your seat belt, this is a little that you are expected to do for your won good and of others as well.

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